Professional Upholstery & Mattress Cleaning at the Lake of the Ozarks

Not everything is compact enough to fit into the washing machine. However, that doesn’t mean you have tolerate dirty furniture like chairs, couches, or bed. Steam-A-Way is the one-stop shop for professional upholstery and mattress cleaning services.

Keep Your Furniture Looking New

Regular cleaning from a certified upholstery cleaning professional can keep your furniture in top shape. At Steam-A-Way, we know that your furniture gets a work out. From family get-togethers to chaildren’s parties to pet jumping on your sofa, your furniture can get worn out fast! Let us bring it back to life!

We know every furniture or upholstery is different so that’s why we take the time to professionally examine the fabric, test for color retention, and determine the best custom cleaning solution for your needs. Most fabrics will take well to our efficient and effective steam-cleaning process from our truck mounted units. Our steaming process is a powerful way to clean, deodorize, and protect your upholstery. You can prevent build up of the dirt, grime, and oils that get stuck in the fibers of your upholstered furniture by scheduling a cleaning today! 

The Importance of a Clean Mattress

How clean is your bed? Since most people wash their sheets weekly, many clients ask us why cleaning the mattress is so important. Our response is simple. Sheets do not protect the mattress. Moreover, while the mattress may not look dirty to the naked eye, a closer look could reveal the following:

  • Dust Mites
  • Bacteria
  • Fungi
  • Dander
  • Stains

Want to get some stress-free shut eye? Our cleaner will disinfect the bed and remove contaminants. We’re also incredibly effective at sweat and urine odor removal.

Request a Quote from Steam-A-Way

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Veteran Owned & Operated

Kem Guyer, Owner


Call Steam-A-Way Today!